It is not much of a photo, but it shows the new storage area. A newer picture would show all the paintings standing at attention where the scaffold is. The current status is that finally all my paintings are in the storage area instead of being scattered here and there in the studio and upstairs and downstairs around the house (except for the ones hanging); all the paints, brushes, rags, thinners, cleaners, medium, pots, jars, sculpting equipment, everything is organised. There is only one area of the studio that still needs tiling and I will do that when my back and shoulders are friends with me again, so in about a week.
All I have to do now is get in there and paint. Today, of course, a million activities kept me away from painting, aka procrastination. They are all things that needed doing, but I could probably have done everything except for the food shopping on another day. Monday is grocery day and that is just the way it is. We do need food. Tomorrow, however, is wide open and I have no more excuses, requirements, distractions - except maintenance on this website... nonononono! that can wait! - demands, sidetracks, reasons. So tomorrow, I can get in there and go crazy trying to get started. I have been trying to paint in the dressing room and have been drawing and pencil-stuff but painting in the studio is something else altogether! music, space, large surfaces to paint on, no need to put everything away. Can't wait!
Last night, or rather this morning, I woke up around 4am (went to bed early, around 00:30) and could not go back to sleep because I had all sorts of ideas. If it had not been shopping day, I would have got up and gone to the studio, but I had to drive, so not a good idea.
I have added a couple of paintings on the 'paintings' page on this website and I have added sizes to those that have been measured. I realised, as I looked at the photos of the paintings, that many of them are really not very good. The one called "James Bond" actually has a thread from the edge of the canvas hanging in front of the painting. Several are not quite straight and some have strange colours that are not really true to the painting. Also, there are only thirty-three paintings shown on that page. There are many more than that in the storage area and so I have found my next excuse to delay what I really want to do (paint), and that is: I have to take pictures of all the paintings and drawings and then make a selection of those that are worth posting on this website. That will probably take a few days. I am wondering if it would be a good idea to put the paintings flat on the floor and stand on the scaffold to photo them, one at a time. Would it make it more likely to get them straight? would the lighting be better? I suppose I'll have to try. Hmm, is this going to launch me back into playing with the camera and making pictures? It would be good if I could get that done this week, get the pictures up on the website and then be done with it. Then all I would have to do is write the occasional blog post and add any paintings that are in process or finished. I have five pending, as usual. I always seem to have five paintings going on at the same time. Why not four or six?
Well, enough rambling. I'm going to go and do something useful, like play a game.