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Busy Day in the Studio


Yes, indeed! I worked on three different paintings and although I am not sure where they are going or if I like them so far, it was a good day with the paints. This part, after the beginning, before I can see what is happening, when I really cannot tell if it will go anywhere, just before all the staring starts, is the most difficult; followed closely by the part where I think it might be finished but cannot be sure that it is finished or if I am just ready to move onto something else.

Also, in the studio today, I moved all the in-process canvases - other than the ones I worked on today - from the floor to the wall easel; including the one that is stretched onto the heavy-duty 1m90 x 1m50 stretchers. I hope the wall easel is strong enough to hold it. I now have five works in process that are faces, four that are abstracts (for the moment) and the large, heavy one that is somewhere between abstract and figurative. I decided today that I have to decide which ones to work on specifically when I am in the studio and stick to the plan, ignoring the others. Otherwise, I end up just dithering between them all and doing nothing. This is what I did today and it worked out very nicely.

The other activity in the studio consisted of rearranging a bunch of stuff in a corner so that I could put away some finished work along with the hoover, the box easel and the tripod. The studio is definitely shrinking. I really should stick to the idea of doing all new work on unstretched canvas so that it takes up much less room to store. The attraction of the ready-stretched canvases is that I can just pop'em on the easel and get started instead of having to tape them to a board, gesso them and then get started. Planning helps with that. Aha! tomorrow, I will tape and gesso a few canvas pieces so they are ready when I need them. I can do that between working on the w.i.p's.

There, that's done! the day is planned. Ah! no, I'll have to work that around a trip into the city to get some sack cloth for the sculpture. I gathered all the materials yesterday only to find out that I do not have the cloth I thought I had. I must have used it up for something else or it'll pop up in a couple of months as these things do. The trip will likely take a couple of hours so I will have time left providing I leave early enough, i.e. before 11am.

These days, 11am is about the time I get up. I seem to have dropped into a groove of falling asleep between 6 and 8am and then waking up between 10:30 and 1pm. I go by the logic that if my eyes are closed and I am relaxed for about seven to eight hours, then it does not matter as much how long I actually sleep. I try to get into bed before 3am to get about seven hours at least of eyes-closed-relax time.

So, for tomorrow, we'll see.

Today's progress.... all neat and tidy.

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